Friday, November 23, 2018

WEEK 17 (FYP 2)

Activity: Submission of the final report and progress report

So this is the last week before the submission date for the hardcover thesis. This week, i have to print the hard cover thesis to make sure the submission is on the due date. The submission deadline for all FYP 2 report is on 23/11/2018 before 5 pm.

Alhamdullilah, all praises to Allah for the strengths and His blessing in completing this report and make this work easier through all the challenges. Special appreciation goes to my respective supervisor, Mr. Mohd Syazwan B. Md Yid for all his advice and constant support and all Medical Electronics lecturers that helped.

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my friends who have given their endless support and encouragements. Here to the bright future Insha’Allah.

Last but not least, more importantly, we like to give a thousand thanks to our parents and also to my siblings for their endless love, prayers and encouragement. Also, not forgetting, those who indirectly contributed to completing this final report, your kindness means a lot to me.

Thank you very much.

Friday, November 9, 2018

WEEK 16 (FYP 2)

Activity: Final check of the report

So, this week i have to make a final check of my report before submitted and print the hard cover. The final report need to check the plagiarism in order to make sure that the report is write originally and not copy from other writing. The plagiarism percentages should below than 20%. Below are my plagiarism checking;

My plagiarism percentages is pass because it below than 20%.

This thesis has to have 2 copy because it need to be submitted to the library and for the supervisor. For the library the thesis must be submit  in a hardcover with a dark blue colour code.

LIST-TO-DO for thesis submission;

1. Do correction on the thesis based on your SV comments.
2. Get plagiarism report from your SV. Make sure you meet the allowable percentage of plagiarism (no greater than 20%)
3. Make sure your thesis follow the correct format. FYP coordinator will ask you to reprint your thesis again if it is not in the proper format.
4. Download all related forms for thesis submission from the FYP website (click Student --> Submission)
5. Get your SV signature on three (3) important documents (i.e. approval page in the thesis, project submission form and front page of plagiarism report)
6. Burn all required documents inside a CD to be submitted to the library.
7. Upload all documents in step 6 to your profile in FYP website. Username: your ID & Password: last 4 digit of your IC.
8. Once all six (6) items are ready, meet FYP Coordinator to get her signature on project submission form.
9. Thereafter, submit all six (6) items to the library before the library closed this Friday.

And the documents/form that need to be download to be submitted too;

Stated in a FYP website